Tuesday, April 30, 2024

End of Month Update 4/30/24

 Last update I talked about the new studio I was going to. Here are my thoughts: 

Wow! I forgot how fun it is to go to an active studio. This one's footprint is small, but they're always busy. Lots of students. Lots of studio members. They're constantly firing either bisque or glaze. If you miss a firing another will come up shortly. I mentioned they have a buff clay that I'm not a huge fan of. I also mentioned  I'm used to their glazes. 

All this means I had to put stuff out. Test the feel of the clay. See how the glaze would react with the glaze. See how the kiln itself would treat my work. The clay is a bit more plastic than I'm used to; likely because my clay has been sitting around for so long. I noticed that some of my thin pieces warped. I'll have to remember not to make them so thin. They have test tiles showing the expected outcome of combining glazes. The end results are sometimes unexpected. Overall, I'm happy with this new studio. It costs more than I'm used to. Time will tell if it's worth the extra cost. 

May 1 is opening day for the clay studio at Wilderbee. I'll drop off several strawberry boxes full of greenware this coming weekend. All of my winter's work. May 4 is the opening day for the Pumpkin Patch. My weekend is going to be busy. I have a bunch of new stuff, fresh out of the kiln. I have new bonsai. I've powered up my display tables. I've powered up my storage/transport capacity. My square card reader is online and operational. My business is online and operational.

*Checks weather report for the weekend* 

Huh. Looks like it's going to be shitty weather this weekend. Possibly rain all day Saturday. Well, if the weather's really bad, I'll just spend Saturday with the family. We'll see how it goes.     

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2/12/25 Update: I'm Still Alive

 I'm here to say I'm alive and kicking. How are you? I'm still making pottery but at a slower pace. It's been freezing latel...