I was at the Pumpkin Patch this weekend!
I picked up some azaleas in trade at the Pumpkin Patch.
Nothing I can use right away, but definitely something for the future. Always a fun time at the Pumpkin Patch. Sun was out. It was warm. Nice breeze in the afternoon kept things from getting overly hot. I packed plenty of ice cold food and drink. I still ended up a bit dehydrated.
I went to Costco to check on the tires on Sunday. Ordered some new tires. They'll be in next week. Dropped off my glaze rework at Wilderbee's afterward. Who knows when those will be done! The rest of the day was gone before I knew it. As was my weekend!
I didn't have time to work on new clay. Seems time got away from me.
All I have for now.
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