Monday, April 20, 2020

4/20 Monday Update with Pictures

I didn't do any updates over the weekend - it was me and Bernie's 29 wedding anniversary. She had Fri, Sat and Sun off so we hung out. There is a silver lining to this cloud of 'shelter in place'. For the first time, I'm seeing some food trucks in Port Angeles. And they're good! Over the extended weekend I had the BEST EVER grilled cheese and tomato bisque soup. I ate some AWESOME garlic parmesan fries. I even found a food truck that had wood fired pizzas! Holy shit!

So let's move on with the companion pieces in kusamono pots I did. Last post I stated I was giving away some pots. I still am! As long as covid19 shelter in place is still in effect you can still get in on some free pots. All you have to do is pay shipping. However, being that they're up for grabs, I decided I wanted in on this action! I grabbed a few pots and potted up some companion pieces in kusamono pots. To illustrate what can be done with these plants, I present to you the lighter side of bonsai:

First composition is 'drinking buddies'. The one on the left now belongs to Aaron; he's called it 'Old Man Pants', cause it looks like an old man's pants. The one on the right has no name yet, he's just 'Along for the ride'. 'Old Man Pants' plant is an unknown succulent. 'Along for the ride' is an assortment of Hens and chicks, and some unknown succulents.

Next one is 'Kitsune no hi' or fox fire. I dunno, the tentacle looking extensions look like they could be fire. and the one succulent kinda hangs over the side like a fox's (or kitsune) tail. Unknown assortment of succulents.

This next one I call 'Doro-darake no tako', muddy octopus. Unknown assortment of succulents. Are you starting to get that I have a whole assortment of succulents that I don't know what they are? 

Following that one with 'Namko geppu', sea cucumber burps. Hens and chicks and unk succulents:

I really like this next one 'Aoi tako no odori', blue octopus dances. This is a rare low slung octopot (I really don't do many of these). I have a wild geranium planted that I found growing in my yard.

Finally, I have 'Namae no nai', nameless. Short pot with strawberry. 

These are all pots that I was giving away. But hey, last week I posted a picture of these little kusamono pots that I bought. I was inspired by them and I planted one up with a companion plant: 

I like how it turned out so.... there you have it. 

While I was back in the garden I snapped an updated picture of the apple seedlings I just wired up. They're starting to grow nicely:

 It's just a group picture of them all. It's really for me so I can look back at them and consider what I've done.

Right next to them are my sargent crab apple root cuttings. I took a picture of when I first noticed they were starting to grow, here's an updated picture: 

 Possibilities! This is not the only crab apple root cutting that's now growing. As a matter of fact, a few of my Chinese elm root cuttings are starting to grow now as well. I didn't take any pictures cause fuck it, didn't feel like it. 

I found my oaks! These are English oaks from acorns that were gathered in Victoria in front of the parliament building. I actually took several pictures, but I'm only including like 3 pictures: 

I didn't mention this before but the dwarf rhododendron I started last year... the one I bought from Home Depot for like $7... it decided to go into bloom just in time for my anniversary! So I potted it up and brought it inside for Bernadette to enjoy:

It needs to be trimmed back and it's growth refined, but for now I'll just enjoy its blooms. 

Last I'll leave you with an updated picture of the 'fuck you' maple. I wired it up. Looks even tinier than before. Still has attitude: 

That's all I have for now. 

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10/8/24 I Continue to do Pottery

I'm low on inventory. I need to make more of everything. I need large pots for my unpotted bonsai trees. I also need variety. I recently...