Sunday, April 12, 2020

4/12/20 Weekend Update with Pictures and FREE GIVEAWAY!

It's been a little while since I last did an update. The last vestiges of winter have finally been cast away and spring is here. Let's just jump with projects that I've been working on

Moved the Tropicals Outside.
No pictures for this one. I moved the tropicals outside. That means the ficus cuttings, F. religiosa seedlings, and all scheffleras. The only thing that remains inside are the money trees and a couple things. I kinda moved a bit too fast on this. There was still some morning frost. As a result, some of the tropicals got freezer burnt. Almost all the F. religiosa are fried. Live and learn, move on.

Water Jasmine Wrightia religiosa
I don't know if I mentioned I started some - I did. I had about 70 seeds, most were shit. Of those 70+ seeds, only 10 sprouted. Oh well. They don't look like much right now, but I'm including a picture of a seedling because why the fuck not.

Apple seedlings from last year.
So last year I planted some seeds from an apple I was eating. They grew, they went dormant. Before everything wakes up, I decided to dig them up and wire them up. If they survive, they'll look good I think. Pictures of the wired apple seedlings. 

Let's talk Crabapples!
This picture is a crab apple I ordered in the fall. I did some branch pruning and stuck them in some pots. They're starting to wake up now. 

This is a picture of my Birthday Crabapple. I like it! 

Crab apples are WONDERFUL, in my opinion. They're classic bonsai subject, very flexible, provide pretty fragrant flowers, and the fruit looks like tiny apples! How awesome is that! I took some root cuttings of my birthday crab. Looks like they're starting to take. Picture of a crab apple root cutting that started to leaf bud.

I also noticed that the Chinese elm root cuttings have started to leaf out as well. No pictures of that. I'll see about adding some pictures of that later. 

Between last post and this post, I ordered a 3 piece set of bonsai pots. They're shohin size, and look like something I would do. Here's a picture of the pots.

Notice the blue crescent bonsai pot that I made is the same size as these pots. So I moved all the tropicals outside and wanted to get back to making pottery.

FREE Trees and Pots!
Here's the deal. Covid 19 has us all home-bound. In an effort to keep up spirits, I posted on an online bonsai group that I would give some trees and pots away. I posted the following pictures of pots that are available. FREE. GRATIS. So I figured I'd repeat the same offer here, and now. If you are reading this and you want a free little tree or pot, just let me know. All you have to do is pay for shipping. But if you want to schlep out to Port Angeles, I can meet you at Safeway and just give it to you. This offer will last as long as I still have trees and pots to give away.

The first picture is an example the ficus and scheffleras I have available for free. The ficus look like F. microcarpa, only the leaves tend to grow bigger.

Next picture is a tiny mame size pot. The bean sprout is only there for scale. 

Next group has a three clawed pot and some interesting pots. This group can be identified as 'The Claw' Group.

Next group has a starfish shape pot and mostly pots featuring tentacles. This group can be identified as 'The Starfish' or 'Watched too much Hentai' Group. 

Finally, I have a group of three pots. Two are bipedal, meaning they have two feet. The third pot is presented upside down, with that bean sprout coming out of its drainage hole. I call this composition 'The Incantation'. It kinda looks like these two turds are gathering together and through magic known only to them, they have managed to summon a plant whose tentacles have begun to take over.

I admit it, I may have too much time on my hands right now. So...... anyways, yeah. If any of the pots call your name, just let me know which (Hey Victor, I'd like that weird green pot in the Starfish group). Drop me some money to cover shipping and it's yours. Hey, you want a little cutting? Same deal. And to be clear, I'm only giving away the pots and cuttings that I specified. Once they're gone, they're gone. And to be more clear, I'm only giving them away as long as it makes sense to *ME* to give them away. I'm not giving away a cutting 5 years from now that I've put a lot of work into. Fuck off.

That's it for now.

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2/12/25 Update: I'm Still Alive

 I'm here to say I'm alive and kicking. How are you? I'm still making pottery but at a slower pace. It's been freezing latel...