Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Featured Pot: Spider Bonsai pot in Forest Green

A little about the spider pots: Inspired by my octopus pots, my son, Aaron, suggested I try a spider shaped bonsai pot. I don't have the 'inner eye' where I can picture what a shape will be before creating it. I can't 'picture it', so I just have to make it and then explore it. When I explore a new pottery shape, I usually make a series of three. This is the first in the series. The forest green one was the second, and the sapphire one was the third in the series. Being this was my first attempt at a spider pot, I was concentrating on the position of the legs and body. 

So what I have is a very unique one of a kind (OOAK) spider bonsai pot. Unlike the other two in the series, this one has no eyes, no fangs, no tentacles. Just the general creepy spider shape. If creepy spider shapes are your thing, you're in luck. If unusual bonsai pots are your thing, you're in luck! If by some weird happenstance unique, creepy, spider-shaped bonsai pots with no faces are your thing, then by golly you've hit pay dirt here!

In pottery, everything is everything. Use a different clay body, or vary the thickness of the glaze and the end result will be completely different. To wit, compare the colors of this pot with Cthulhu Spider Bonsai Pot in Forest Green. Same glaze, but the clay body for this one was a buff. Honest, I forget which. Maybe Vashon White, which wasn't really all that white. But there's more than that. The glaze on this piece doesn't have that irridescence that the CSBPiFG has. Yeah, weird, right?

In case you're wondering, like all my work (except raku) this is stoneware. That means this is meant to sit outside year round. Don't need to worry about it cracking in winter. All of my pieces are handmade, no molds. No two pieces are exactly alike.

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2/12/25 Update: I'm Still Alive

 I'm here to say I'm alive and kicking. How are you? I'm still making pottery but at a slower pace. It's been freezing latel...