Thursday, July 11, 2024

The Dig, One Year Update

Last year, I posted about a dig (7/24/23)

It's been about year, thought I'd do an update how everything is doing: 

Sargent crabapples (Malus sargentii)

I'm not sure how many I got; there may have been as many as 60. A few that did not survive, but for the most part, these are doing great. I currently have about 50. Initially, I threw them into grow bags, putting them into 3-gallon nursery pots in the fall. Some of the first trees did not include enough soil. These were likely the ones that didn't survive. By the fall of last year, the growth was way out of hand, so I pruned them all severely. They grew back and as a whole are likely going to get another severe pruning in the fall. Next spring I'm planning some root pruning. That means more root cuttings.

Dwarf blueberry

These were doing very well. I decided to prune back all the growth about a month ago. A bit late in the season. The growth has not returned - it may be that I killed them. Time will tell.

Sango Kaku Japanese maple (Acer palmatum)

The Japanese maples are doing very good. I haven't done much with them, just letting them grow wild. Eventually, I want to start some air layers. 

Mugo Pine (Pinus mugo)

These guys look fantastic! Mugo pines always look great. 

Kojo-No-Mai Japanese Mt Fuji Cherry (Prunus incisa) 

I have two. One is short and thick. The other is tall and thin. I'm calling the short, thick one Pietra, meaning rock. I'll refer to the tall one Paula, cause that sorta sounds like palo. I snapped off some dead branches. Other than that, I'm leaving Paula alone for now. No root work, no top pruning. I'm just trying to make sure she's going to be okay. 

Pietra on the other hand has been worked. I root pruned and was able to get some root cuttings as well as a couple of suckers that took. In the spring, Pietra did throw out some flowers. I removed most of them, to avoid exhausting the tree with flower production. 

Japanese black Pine

Nope! None made it. The stress was too much and they've pooped out. Oh well.

Gingko Biloba

The only one that made it was the one I gifted to Aaron. The others just never woke up. 

All for now

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2/12/25 Update: I'm Still Alive

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