Monday, June 19, 2023

Weekend update 6/19/23

Went to the Pumpkin Patch on Saturday. It was crazy windy. About 2 hours in, the wind was getting to be too much. I took down the canopy as a precaution. It was also chilly so I kept my jacket and pants on. Proud that I was still out there, weather be damned. 
Got a surprise email from Casey on Sunday stating the bisque firing was done. Bernie had to work until 1pm, so it was a bit later in the day when we got out there. On the way home, we stopped by the Casino; we quit while we were ahead. Did some grocery shopping, and picked up some pizza for dinner. It wasn't until well past dinner that I digested that I still had a bunch of bisque-fired pottery that needed to be glazed and I was running out of time. I started glazing my pieces. Forgot to factor in drying time, so it was well past 10pm when I finished.
Here's a picture of about half the unglazed pottery sitting on my kitchen counter, waiting to be glazed.

For this batch, I decided to go with my dipping glazes. I used Starry Night, Ketchup, Tidal Pool and Blue Float. 

As the pictures show, the glazing took over most of my kitchen counter space. This is not Bernie's first rodeo. As long as I used some paper and cleaned up after myself, she was okay with a temporary kitchen take over. 

 I may have fucked up with the Starry Night. My glazes had been sitting around for a long time and I thought they needed some thinning. I was wrong. We'll see how bad it is once things come out of the kiln. 
While drying, my work was on the kitchen counter for the whole house to see. My family usually doesn't see my work displayed like this. My work is usually boxed up in the craft room. Unsolicited opinions were offered from the peanut gallery.
'Your work seems very repetitive.' 
Yes, I'm trying to build up my depleted stock. I did these as quickly as I could, without much creativity. I'll do some more creative Cthulhu, Spiders, etc later once this is done.
'I like the squiggly lines on this piece but they're not very visible.'
Thanks! That was added by a texture roller. It's meant to add some interest to the piece. 
'OOH! Look at the pieces with the holes! You should make more with holes. Will the holes stay after you glaze them?'
Happy accidents. I didn't start out trying to make a pot with holes everywhere. Sometimes I get a little happy when adding texture; those holes are just a happy accident. A by-product of the process, if you will. But yes, the holes should remain even after the pot is glazed.
'I love the ones that look like a saddle. The shape is great!'
The goal was quantity and I wasn't putting much creative energy into each piece. However, I still want to maintain a uniqueness to each piece. Hand building means no two items are ever truly the same. The 'saddle' is a shape I'm playing with, seeing how it works. 
Altogether I glazed 52 pieces last night. I still have another flat of items that need to be glazed, but those will not be dipped. Glaze will be brushed on, so takes a bit longer. Good times! I finished glazing the other dozen or so assorted pieces that still needed to be glazed. I recruited Bernadette's help in glazing these as it needed to be brushed on, so it takes more time. There's still one piece left: Aaron's Aztec Death Whistle. He doesn't really want it and we weren't going to glaze it. But now I'm thinking maybe I'll go ahead and glaze it just the same. Who knows, he may like the finished product. 

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