Sunday, January 26, 2020

01/26/20 Weekend Update with Pictures

So last update with pictures, I included some pictures of the schefflera and ficus cuttings. I figured I'd include a few more pictures. 

First off, did I mention it's been cold? Jan 15, we had a *SERIOUS* snow fall:

This is the view *FROM* my front porch, not a picture of my house. The picturesque house across the street belongs to my neighbor. You probably can't tell from this picture, there's about 18-24 inches of snow on my car. Got snowed in for a day or two. It's since warmed up a little and the snow is now gone. WOW!!! Just a few days difference. The snow has melted away and today was a drop-dead gorgeous day! I finally got a chance to step outside without a jacket. Time for pictures of my bonsai projects.

I don't think I've included a picture of the crab apple I bought for my birthday. I didn't want to include a picture of it yet, but I'm doing so now: 

 Again, might not be able to see from this picture, but the damned thing is budding out! A few days ago it was buried in snow. Oh well. The top is kinda busy and looks artificially twisted. I'm considering chopping off the top nine inches or so.

While we're talking about crabapples, here's a picture of my crabapples that Aaron found in the backyard for me, wired up: 
Bad angle, you can see the difference one season makes. Next picture is the crabapple seedlings that I ordered in the fall. If you look closely, you might see that they're starting to bud as well. On the bottom shelf, you can see the azaleas with their winter colors:
 I mentioned in a previous post that I had done some cuttings of these crabapples. Here's the root cuttings: 
 And here's the crabapple hardwood cuttings, bound up. They really should be buried. Oh well: 
 I also mentioned I took some semi-hardwood cuttings of shimpaku juniper. Yes, they're golden color. Yes, that happens with junipers that have spent all winter outside. They're fine. I didn't bother to check the roots, that's a future project: 

And finally, picture of the schefflera cuttings:
 If you look at the foliage, most of it is crap. It's distorted, and not so good. This is from the crowding; the scheffleras were up against the lights. Honestly, the foliage doesn't matter. What matter is to get new healthy stock. There has been some that didn't make it. I have about 32 left. 

I did not include pictures of my ficus cuttings, but they look just like last update. I've potted up the last remaining cuttings that were in water. Turns out I have 32 ficus cuttings.

Though I meant to, I still haven't touched the clay all winter. I dunno, just wasn't feeling it with all the cold. It kinda feels like the weather has turned a corner and it's starting to warm up. With that, I'm starting to churn up my projects. And I still have a bunch of seeds stratifying in the fridge. I'll post more on that when the time comes. Might also post some more on the shimpaku junipers. All right, that's it for now.

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2/12/25 Update: I'm Still Alive

 I'm here to say I'm alive and kicking. How are you? I'm still making pottery but at a slower pace. It's been freezing latel...