Monday, September 23, 2019

Weekend Update 09/23/19

Today is the first day of Autumn. Rain and cool weather has set in. I no longer need to water my outdoor trees as much as I was during the warm weather of summer. I never had to worry about the mid-August heat killing my trees. I was prepared for it in multiple ways nonetheless. As predicted, the deer came in and ate my crab apples. I'm not needed out in the garden, really. Regardless, this 5th wheel was in there, checking things out: 

Schefflera hard prune project: 
All looking very healthy, lots of strong growth. Responded very well to the summer heavy feeding schedule. I will have to consider my future plans for these guys on a case by case basis. I want to try exposed root with some and banyan style with some others. Whatever I choose, I have lots of options. By the way, I've been taking cuttings of scheffleras I have growing as indoor house plants. Cuttings appear to respond very well to being placed in water until roots appear. Roots have been appearing quickly. 

Neagari Azalea and Dwarf Rhodi hard pruning project:  
Overall, looking pretty damned good! All have responded very well to the severe pruning followed by heavy fertilizer. Lots of back budding. The moss I left on the rhodi was getting too thick, so I removed 95% of it. The moss is already coming back. The rhodi's new growth is starting to look a bit wild, so I will likely trim part of it before next spring. I will have to check the roots on the neagari azalea before spring, I think. I will want to expose some of the top root and continue with the root development.  

Azalea Cuttings: 
Looks like they still haven't taken root. Whatever. I'll leave them be until the spring, then plant them into individual small pots. If they do take, I plan on working them as neagari azalea.

Air Layer Acer shirasawanum 'aureum' Project:
Project A-Ko for short. As I previously wrote, the air layer project appears to have been a success in that roots did emerge on one of the air layers, A-ko. The other, B-ko, not so much. Looks like B-Ko withered and died. When I cut off A-ko from the host tree, I leaf pruned. The leaves were looking ragged and shitty. The new leaves did not come out. Looks like it was late in the season and the buds decided to sleep it off for the season. 

Crabapple Cuttings:
These were munched on by Jeffrey, the asshole deer. East shit, bambi, you mean fuck. Regardless, the trunks are getting nice and fat. Earlier in the season I did apply some wire and the shape took. I will likely hard prune them during the winter. Will use the pruned branches for hardwood cuttings. Maybe they'll take.

Trident maple cutting and the 'Fuck You' maples:
Still growing! Looking healthy. Don't know how or why but there they are. I plan to move these guys to bigger grow pots for next year. 

Horse traded Japanese maple, spruce and Chinese elms. 
They're doing good. Odd. Being I didn't plant them and that they came to the party kind of late, I'm not really feeling it with them. Don't get me wrong, I'm not rejecting these guys. It's just that I'm not as excited about their growth as others. Overall, looking good. Meh. 

Han, the Solo Chinese elm seedling. 
Ohai! Remember me? I'm the ONE seedling that sprouted from that nasty shitpile of elm seeds that you ordered from the Shit Ebay seller. Hey Shit Seed Seller on Ebay: FUCK OFF! Despite you, Han is looking good, thanks you very little. Someday, he'll make a fine bonsai!

English oaks and other oaks from the back nine:
These are the oaks that Aaron gave me. The ones that have been out back for a while. Overall, looking good! Still growing, still liking the cool weather. They're a big ole mess though. Kinda clumped together. I'll see what I can do about untangling them over the winter. 

Ficus religiosa seedlings:
They continue to grow. Looks like my overcrowding problem is taking care of itself. Not all the seedlings are wanting to grow from batch 2. I have mixed feelings on that. 

That's that for the growing stuff.

I Continue to Make Clay!
Took my week's work to the ceramic studio on Saturday. There was some sort of Farm Tour thing going on, it was a bit crowded. I have about a full kiln's worth of stuff that is ready to be bisque fired. Plus I have some glazed stuff that is in the kiln now and will be coming out soon. Sounds like I'll have some finished pottery next time I go. I'll also have TONS of pottery that will need to be glazed. I'm going to be busy! While I was there, I should have grabbed some more clay, as I'm practically out. I didn't. Will have to do so next time. 

That's it for now. NO pictures this time, sorry!

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2/12/25 Update: I'm Still Alive

 I'm here to say I'm alive and kicking. How are you? I'm still making pottery but at a slower pace. It's been freezing latel...