Sunday, September 8, 2019

Weekend Update 09/08/19

I took some pictures of my garden area, but I don't really have much to add outside of what I already mentioned last week. Some things are still growing, some are starting to wind down and get ready for winter.
Sample picture of my F. religiosa after being watered this morning. Looks just like last week:
 Just for kicks, here's a picture of Bernadette's Ficus:
 And here's a group picture of the scheffleras, freshly watered. 
 In case I never shared before, here's a picture of a bunch of English oaks in a bucket: 

And here's a single, sorry looking English oak. All by myself....
 And here's a few English oaks in a one gallon bucket. They've been leaf scorched, but they'll pull through. 

Group shot of my two crab apples, you can also see the horse traded A. palmatum to the right: 
 Neagari azaleas next: 

Dwarf Rhodie, I really should trim it. Hard to believe that I just grew this in ONE season, but that's what these pictures are for!
Out of focus 'fuck you' maples, apples and trident maple in the background: 

Here's Han, the solo Chinese elm seedling! No, there's no other elms with him, those are just weeds.
 And the Full Moon Maple. These leaves came out just a couple weeks ago. Hopefully they'll harden off before fall. Second picture shows the main leaves and how tattered they're looking. 

 That's it for the garden. 
Random thoughts from the clay:
I had a pleasant surprise when I went to the studio on Saturday. All of my pots were now bisque fired. Well, all except the spider pot. I spent part of the daySaturday glazing pieces. I briefly mentioned in my last update that I've been pre-making pinch pots, then working them later in the week. Last week, this allowed me to do 7 pieces during the week: I did a second crescent shape, a sea urchin with short spikes, a Zoidberg, an Octopot, a three legged claw type, a massive sea star, and a fish. Unfortunately the zoidberg broke when I was unpacking.  I just did a few more pinch pots for the coming week. I didn't have all that much time this weekend for clay, but at the least this will get me going. 
All for now.

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2/12/25 Update: I'm Still Alive

 I'm here to say I'm alive and kicking. How are you? I'm still making pottery but at a slower pace. It's been freezing latel...