Tuesday, September 17, 2019

I continue to make pottery! (09/17/19)

So this week I pre-made six pots. I know I've talked about them before, so here's a picture of a couple of pre-made pots:

I thought I'd try something new. I thought it'd be fun to try to create a crescent shape bonsai pot using a round mold. I started by blowing up one of my kids' water balloons about halfway. I was trying to keep the balloon shape as close to round as possible. This I would use as my mold. Next, I rolled out a small ball of clay and flattened it out by throwing it on my table repeatedly until it got progressively thinner. I then cut it into a sort of rain drop shape. Then I draped the clay over the balloon and sort of pressed it into shape, allowing the raindrop shape to go up and over the top portion, almost completely engulfing the balloon. Aaron thought it was a cute design and suggested I make more. I likely will.

Next project was an octopot. I noticed I've been making the tentacles/legs too long, so I used a smaller ball of clay for the legs. The end result is an octo pot with a fat head. Alright, I admit, wasn't exactly what I had in mind, but it works. Next time, I'll just aim for shorter, fatter tentacles. 
Final project for the night was a starfish shaped pot. Ah, starfish... how I love the shape! Yet, not sure what my deal is. I try to make the legs short, but then when I apply them they end up taking up so much space! 

That's it for Monday night! I only spent about an hour working.  I still have four pre-made pots, so I'll continue my work. 

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2/12/25 Update: I'm Still Alive

 I'm here to say I'm alive and kicking. How are you? I'm still making pottery but at a slower pace. It's been freezing latel...