Saturday, June 8, 2019

Chopping up a Dwarf Rhododendron - or Severe Pruning of Nursery Stock for Pre-Mame Bonsai

Alright, so earlier I posted a link to video where this guy was doing severe pruning of azaleas for thick, interesting trunks. Here's my quick write up on the process with pictures. 

For this write up, I selected a dwarf rhododendron because I happen to like how they look as shohin or mame bonsai. 

First things first, I went out to Home Depot earlier this week and I selected what I thought was a tree with some potential: 

It's a bit hard to see in the picture, but I thought the bottom of the trunk had some interesting character and good potential. I also wanted to preserve some of that moss at the bottom. 

First thing I do after I take it home is take it out of the pot and get a better look at the trunk.

Even with this close up, you're still not able to see the potential in the picture. Whatever. Let's start by giving this guy a top chop! I just chopped all the branches to within 2 inches of the trunk or so, for starters.

Are you seeing what I was seeing now? No? Still looks like a chopped bush you say? Yeah, I agree. Time to cut off the excess branches that are getting in the way and keeping this little guy from looking like a tree.

 Starting to look more proper now. Notice that while I was at it, I also removed a lot of the roots. What's that you ask, am I worried that it won't make it? Meh, fuck it. It's either gonna make it and be sweet looking, or it's gonna die and be shit. 

Time to put it back in it's original pot. I cut back the pot to about 2 inches, add a layer of rocky bonsai soil to the bottom, and secure the tree to the pot with some wire.

Just to make it look better, I added some of the moss that was originally growing on it and add a layer of scoria (volcanic rock) as dressing.

You know what? That last picture is shit. The tree is not sitting properly, so you're not seeing the intended front. Also, there's a branch that I don't really like, so I might finish it finish it and include a picture later. 

But for now, my write up on this project is done. Enjoy! 

Or don't.

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