Saturday, February 29, 2020

02-29-20 Update with Pictures

This is just a quick update with some pictures.
First, let's start off with pictures of Bernie's ficus. We've had this ficus for 20 years now. It's a well traveled tree! I acquired this tree in San Diego, moved with me to Perris, then lived in Phoenix for a good 9 or 10 years before finally moving up with me to Port Angeles, WA. It's been about a month since I posted pictures of it's new leaves, so here's the updated pictures: 

Next up, pictures of the schefflera cuttings. Last time I posted pictures, I mentioned how shitty the leaves were. It's true! The leaves were mostly shit. Fast forward a month, they all have some new growth... well see for yourself: 

I've mentioned the tiger bark ficus I bought in the fall. The one that I planted in an octopus pot. I've got a crappy picture, but a picture nonetheless:

 And for good measure, I've included a picture of the cat, as he's decided that my growing area is his kingdom. All hail King Snicklefritz, Ruler of my Indoor Garden:

Back to the original reason for my new founded bonsai, the severe pruned schefflera project. As I've mentioned, I did severely prune them again. They haven't recovered yet, but are starting to put out new growth: 

I also mentioned that one of the crab apple root cuttings was starting to show some new leaf budding. Here's a crappy picture of that:

For shits and giggles, I'm including a picture of my Birthday crab apple:

And for good measure, here's a picture of the Shimpaku juniper I picked up about the same time as BD crab: 

While I was out there, I decided to take a picture of the shimpaku cuttings, cause why not: 

And just because I haven't included pictures of my azalea exposed root project in a while, here' what one looks like. IT'S ALIVE!

I'm almost done! I noticed the bundle of crab apple hardwood cuttings that I should have buried in... I dunno... moist sawdust or moss, or something have started to bud out and show leaves. Fuck! I gotta get on them VERY VERY soon: 

Finally, on a shitty low note, I'm close this off with a picture of a goumi seed sprouting. How appropriate. This was not expected as I figured those seeds were just plain shit. Regardless, I planted them because sometimes (happy) accidents happen. I counted up the little coco pellets I have; there's about 76. That means I planted about 76 seeds and only one sprouted. So far! So here's to hope, 
doggedness and preseverance : 

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2/12/25 Update: I'm Still Alive

 I'm here to say I'm alive and kicking. How are you? I'm still making pottery but at a slower pace. It's been freezing latel...