Monday, October 14, 2019

Starting Cuttings on Shimpaku Juniper Itoigawa

So over the weekend, I bought a Shimpaku Juniper Itoigawa from Bonsai Northwest. It's a one gallon size with some initial shaping and lots of shaggy over growth: 

You can't even make out the shape of the tree, it's so shaggy!
It's mid October and I was a bit hesitant to do some trimming at this time of the year. Know what? Fuck it!
Took some cuttings and planted them: 

A couple things to note: 
Note that cutting, it has a bit of a heal. I read that you can increase the chances of your cutting taking by including a bit of the heal. This is done by tearing the cutting off the donor material. I didn't do this to all cuttings, as I didn't want to fuck up my bonsai. 

I decided to plant the cuttings in my regular bonsai soil mix. I understand people are saying the best mix is perlite and sand. I didn't have perlite on hand and I didn't feel like delaying this anymore, so I went with what I have. 

This time it was important to just say FUCK IT. I've been feeling tired and cold lately and I really didn't want to deal with this shit at this point. I just did it, did it quick and I'll just deal with what happens later. 

Winter is coming quick and I don't always have time for an optimal situation. What it comes down to is this: do it now, or lose the season, wait until next year. 

I still have that Chinese elm to deal with. I'm thinking I'm going to deal with it later in the week. 

All for now. 

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2/12/25 Update: I'm Still Alive

 I'm here to say I'm alive and kicking. How are you? I'm still making pottery but at a slower pace. It's been freezing latel...