Thursday, May 30, 2019

Quick little update to bring myself up to speed.

I ordered some schefflera seeds from Ebay. I also ordered some Chinese Elm (ulmus parvifolia) seeds from Ebay. Quick research shows that you can plant seeds for Chinese elm in late spring/early summer. Schefflera being tropical, I imagine late spring would be a good time to plant. Hrmmm, just in time! We'll see if they grow; I've had mixed results with seeds from Ebay. I'll be ordering some more seeds in the fall: Japanese maple, trident maple. Maybe some others as well. Aaron and I picked some wisteria seeds from the neighbor's plant/tree. I'll see how those go. I'll continue to keep my out for seed sources. The old place I used to order from seems to have gone out of business. Sucks to become irrelevant.
I've been scouring Walmart for potential pre-bonsai material. They had some decent looking boxwood, mugo pine and azalea but I'm not feeling those. What I'm really looking for is some cotoneaster and crape myrtle, or something that catches my eye. Maybe they'll have some 'ginseng ficus' bonsai, or just a plain ole tiger bark bonsai.

For fun, I looked back at the beginning of this here blog. I've been doing this blog for over 10 years! Good to know that over that time frame, I've more or less kept the same focus:

Shohin and mame bonsai.

LOVE these little guys. It's what really inspires me. Don't get me wrong, I'm just as impressed as the next guy when I see a four foot tall Jinned juniper that looks like it's mostly dead yet somehow still alive. But these huge monsters take up a lot of space.

I don't have a lot of space.

I want to be able to have lots and lots of little gems. Cute little guys of every shape and size. Things that inspire the mind....

Yep. That's where it's at.

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