Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Is my life really so geeky that I get all excited when a big box (allegedly) filled with nursery pots arrives at my house?


I'm not sure when the box arrived. The postman does not knock. I thought it was because our postman was lazy. But then I read somewhere about 'valet' service, where the USPS will delivery your package to your door and actually knock (one time delivery attempt!). I thought the USPS already did exactly this as a standard service. I thought wrong! In the age of fees up the yang for things you used to get for free, this should come as no surprise. But I digress.

So anyways, the kids brought me this big ole honkin box. It was a Burger King chicken breast patty box. The box made me kinda hungry, at the thought of a big, fat honkin box of BK chicken patties arriving at my door, but I knew what was really inside! JOY! Just over 200 3.5 inch thin plastic nursery pots. I get these from ebay all the time, and they work brilliantly! They're re-used, so they're cheaper, but it also means they're not just being tossed. Plus, they're very inexpensive, so I can keep my costs down! So yeah, I was doing my happy dance while opening up the BK chicken patty box. The kids fell for the roose, and they thought we were having nuggets (from hell) for dinner. Ha ha, silly monkeys! No nuggets for you, I have NURSERY POTS! WOOOO HOOOOOOO!

Big flippin deal, you say. Woop-dee-wow! Settle down there, ya party animal, they are JUST nursery pots, says you, the jaded reader. Not JUST nursery pots, says I. They represent the future of my little garden!

I finally (yay!) got to pot up the remaining Adenium seedlings. Yes, I tore into those pots, what can I say. By the time I got around to giving positive feedback to my ebay seller, I had potted up 50 Adeniums. I'm a happy camper, as I now have more seedlings potted up and I've freed up two starter trays!

Each of my GP trays holds 25 pots; From this batch of seeds, I now have 5 trays. One tray only has 15 pots, the rest being from another batch of seeds. The first batch of seeds gave me about 40. From this batch, I have 115. Altogether, I have over 150 Adenium seedlings started.

While I was outside counting adenium seedlings and practically pissing myself with joy, I looked at the bougainvillea cuttings I recently started. As I expected, most of the leaves have fallen off. The same thing happened with the bougainvillea cuttings I started earlier in the season, so I'm not overly concerned, at least not yet. What happened with those, and I'm hoping the same thing will happen with this batch, is that the leaves fell off and new ones eventually sprouted. If and when that happens, I'll repot the bougainvilleas. Aaron looked at the tray of yellow, wilty cuttings and declared the batch dead. I had to correct the boy, stealing a scene from The Princess Bride, and blending it with the Monty Python dead parrot scene:

Aaron: Dad, these cuttings are dead.

Me: They're not dead!

Aaron: Yes! The leaves are all yellow, which means they're dead.

Me: True my boy, those leaves are dead. But the cuttings are only MOSTLY dead.

Aaron: That's what I said. The cuttings are dead.

Me: No, they're only MOSTLY dead. That's means they're slightly alive.

Man oh manischewitz! My ficus bonsai all need another haircut! I've been putting off doing the trimming until I have space for trimmings. With the Adeniums all potted up, I have two seed trays at the ready. Maybe I'll do some trimming tonight. I'll follow the same basic method I used with my bougainvillea (strip the bottom leaves off each cutting, soak the cuttings in water, then plant). I'll do the trimming at my dining table, as it's too hot to do this work outside. I'm running out of space for all my cuttings, but I'll make due. I should be so lucky that my biggest issue is that I'm running out of room for my cuttings.

Dilemma! There's only so many minutes in the day, and every decision has a price to pay. If I chose to do something during my time off, It will cost me in the loss of time to spend doing something else. So what shall I do with my precious little time I have when I go home tonight? Do I trim my ficus and start the cuttings, or do I throw some clay work? For that matter, should I throw slab, or glaze some bisque work? Perhaps I can do more than one, perhaps I can do all this tonight?

On the other hand, I could use my time off to exercise, get some rest, make dinner, spend time with the wife and kids, unwind and be a little veggie in front of the TV.

Quality of life, or quality use of time? This is my proposed itenerary for tonight:

3:00-3:30 run

3:30-4:00 shower & dress

4:00-4:30 trim the bonsais

4:30-5:00 pot up the trimmings

5:00-6:00 help make dinner or nap

6:00-6:45 dinner

7:00-9:00 clay time

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01/28/25 Update: Happy New Year!

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